Photo copy of college diploma and/or official transcripts
- your highest degree earned relevant to your position
Competency exams
- Specialty Specific and JCAHO Core
Complete and Signed W-4 form
Complete and Signed State Withholdings form
- appropriate to the state you are/will be working in
Complete and Signed I-9 form
2 forms of ID as listed on the I-9 form
- for I-9 verification (Think Birth Cert, SS Card &/or Passport, etc.)
Complete and Signed Permanent Tax Resident form
(if receiving housing per diems)
Complete and Signed Authorization for Direct Deposit form or other bank information
- used for payroll: Voided Check, Deposit Slip or letter from bank information verifying account information (original or copy) used for payroll
Negative Drug Screen
- We will schedule you for this after you get an offer
Proof of Measles (Rubeola)
- titer OR proof of two (2) MMR vaccines
Proof of Mumps
- titer OR proof of (2) MMR vaccines
Proof of Rubella
- titer OR proof of two (2) MMR vaccines
Proof of Hepatitis B
- titer, proof of completed 3-shot Hepatitis Series or Declination
Proof of Varicella
- titer OR proof of two (2) Varicella vaccines
Proof of Tdap
- vaccination within the last 10 years or Proof of TD in last 10 years with a Tdap after 11th birthday
Proof of current TB
- (1-2 PPD skin test, QuantiFERON, T-Spot TB within the last twelve (12) months or Chest X-ray with proof of positive PPD)
Fit To Work Physical
- Statement of Physical Health Examination (within the last 12 months)
Proof of current Flu vaccination
- given after September but prior to April of the current flu season)
Proof of Respirator Fit Test
- Must be completed within 12 months of start with specific make, model, style, and size of respirator listed
Completed and Signed Background Check Authorization & Release form
- this is required most urgently to get your background started
Completed and Signed Policies and Procedures Acknowledgement
- this is a JCAHO requirement, it tells them that we have shared important payroll, process and company specific information with you
Completed and Signed HIPAA Acknowledgement form
- Explanation of HIPAA and the rights and confidentiality therein
Completed and Signed TB Screening Questionnaire
- Signs and symptoms questionnaire ensuring you do not have active TB
Completed and Signed Blood Borne Pathogens/Hep B form
- Explanation of Hepatitis B and requirements of vaccination or declination
Completed and Signed Latex Allergy Questionnaire
- Signs and symptoms questionnaire identifying whether or not you may have a Latex allergy
Employee Covid-19 Questionnaire
- Signs and symptoms questionnaire identifying whether or not you may have Covid-19
Other Client specific paperwork as required
- Clients may have specific forms and or health requirements that they will require you to meet before you're cleared to start work